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Import function allows you to import a @Configuration class into the target @Configuration class to use beans that is provided by imported configuration.


Let's define CoreFoo class and corresponding interface.

export interface ICoreFoo {
foo(): string;

export class CoreFoo implements ICoreFoo {
foo() {
return 'foo';

Lets define CoreConfiguration class.

import { Bean, Configuration } from '@clawject/di';
import { CoreFoo } from './core-foo';

export class CoreConfiguration {
coreFoo = Bean(CoreFoo);

Let's define BarService that depends on ICoreFoo.

import { ICoreFoo } from './core-foo';

export class BarService {
constructor(private coreFoo: ICoreFoo) {}

invokeFoo() {;

Now we can import CoreConfiguration to another configuration or application class.

import { Bean, Configuration, Import } from '@clawject/di';
import { CoreConfiguration } from './core-configuration';
import { BarService } from './bar-service';

export class BarConfiguration {
coreConfiguration = Import(CoreConfiguration);

barService = Bean(BarService);

Now BarConfiguration can be imported to the application class and expose BarService from container.

import { ClawjectApplication, Import } from '@clawject/di';
import { BarConfiguration } from './bar-configuration';
import { ExposeBeans } from './ExposeBeans';

export class Application {
barConfiguration = Import(BarConfiguration);

exposedBeans = ExposeBeans<{ barService: BarService }>()

After all configuration trees are built, BarService will be able to inject CoreFoo bean by interface.

import { ClawjectFactory } from '@clawject/di';
import { Application } from './application';

const applicationContext = await ClawjectFactory.createApplicationContext(Application);
const barService = await applicationContext.getExposedBean('barService');

barService.invokeFoo(); // 'foo' will be printed to the console.

Importing configuration with constructor parametersโ€‹

If the configuration class contains constructor, you should pass the constructor arguments as the second parameter to Import statement. Constructor arguments can be either:

  • Array of constructor arguments
  • Function that returns an array of values
  • Function that returns a Promise that resolves to an array of values
import { ClawjectApplication, Configuration, Import } from '@clawject/di';

class FooConfiguration {
private readonly someConfigurationValue: string,
) {}

class BarConfiguration {
// Pass an array of values
fooConfiguration = Import(FooConfiguration, ['some value']);
// Pass a function that returns an array of values
fooConfiguration = Import(FooConfiguration, () => ['some value'] as const);
// Pass a function that returns a Promise that resolves to an array of values
fooConfiguration = Import(FooConfiguration, async () => {
const configurationValue = await fetchValue('https://...');

return [configurationValue] as const;

Importing configuration multiple times in the same applicationโ€‹

It is possible to import the same configuration multiple times in bounds of the same application. In this case, beans that are defined in imported configuration will be created only once and shared between all importers.


Clawject will report you info in the IDE about the fact that the configuration is imported as external multiple times, and import can be omitted.

import { ClawjectApplication, Configuration, Import } from '@clawject/di';

class FooConfiguration {
// ...

class BarConfiguration {
* CI1: This configuration is already imported.
* main.ts(20, 3): `fooConfiguration` is declared here.
fooConfiguration = Import(FooConfiguration);

class Application {
* CI1: This configuration is already imported.
* main.ts(11, 3): `fooConfiguration` is declared here.
fooConfiguration = Import(FooConfiguration);
barConfiguration = Import(BarConfiguration);